Habitus.Macht.Bildung (Habitus.Power.Education)
Transformation durch Reflexion/Transformation through reflection (2019-2021)
Funding, responsibility and staff
The project was located at the Institute for Educational Research and Pedagogical Education in the work area Teaching/Learning and Digital Transformation (Prof. Kathrin Otrel-Cass) at the University of Graz. It was funded from July 2019 to December 2021 within the framework of the Target and Performance Agreement of the University of Graz.
The pilot project (project idea) was initiated by Katarina Froebus, Susanne Kink-Hampersberger, Klara Strausz and Veronika Wöhrer. In the further course Caroline Dungl, Kathrin Haslinger, Iris Mendel, Kathrin Otrel-Cass, Lisa Scheer and Julia Schubatzky collaborated.
What was the project about?
The project Habitus.Macht.Bildung – Transformation durch Reflexion investigated the influence of social inequality on the educational pathways of students in the teacher training programme. The researchers were guided by the question of how student experiences of social inequality in educational institutions can be reflexively collected and how methodological tools can be developed to support students and teachers in teaching habitus reflexively (at schools and the university). The goal was to support the development of habitus reflexivity in students. In order to enable a reflexive approach to social inequality in education and thus to initiate transformation processes, (teaching) materials were developed in the project that contribute to reflecting on inequality of opportunity.
Why was the project targeted at the teacher training programme?
By reflecting on their own school and university experiences, student teachers should learn to classify habitus-specific educational experiences and thus be able to counteract the reproduction of inequality of opportunity in their future work as teachers. The anchoring of the project in the teaching profession proved to be particularly suitable for this purpose, since student teachers represent the target group of the developed materials on the one hand, but at the same time they are also multipliers who can apply the learned reflexive strategies in their own teaching in the context of school internships and their later professional activity and pass them on to their students.
What are the project outcomes?
The project outcomes include 10 theory cards and 18 practice cards.These materials can be used
by teachers to address and reflect on processes of social inequality in the context of courses (in teacher training in educational science, sociology, gender studies and global studies, etc.);
by students to deal with processes of social inequality in their own (educational) biography and to develop habitus reflexivity;
by (prospective) teachers to address social inequality in the school context through concrete exercises, to break down their own patterns of perception and action when evaluating students, and to develop emancipatory perspectives for action;
by trainers who want to guide other people to deal with social inequality and support them in the development of habitus reflexivity.
Project publications
- Scheer, Lisa; Kink-Hampersberger, Susanne & Mendel, Iris (2022). CLASSroom Reflection – Habitusreflexivität als Weg zu einer machtkritischen und diversitätssensiblen Hochschuldidaktik. Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre 108. J 3.22.
- Mendel, Iris & Scheer, Lisa (2022). Machtkritische Bildung als transformativer Prozess. Digital University Hub News, https://www.digitaluniversityhub.eu/dx-events-news/duh-news/machtkritische-bildung-als-transformativer-prozess/.
- Katarina Froebus, Susanne Kink-Hampersberger, Veronika Wöhrer (2019). Privilegierung und Ausgrenzung in Bildungsprozessen: Soziale Ungleichheit im Lehramt beforschen. Momentum quarterly 8/3, S. 116-130, online frei verfügbar unter https://doi.org/10.15203/momentumquarterly.vol8.no3.p116-130.
Videos on classism
Vorträge zum Projekt
- Shame, fear and power. Pedagogical challenges in addressing class and classism in teacher education. Vortrag auf der ECER 2023: The value of diversity in education and educational research, Glasgow, 23.8.2023. (Iris Mendel)
- Transformation durch Reflexion: Klassismus in Bildungsinstitutionen verstehen, beforschen und abbauen. Vortrag auf der 4. Konferenz des Netzwerks Hochschulforschung Österreich: Transition and Transformation in Higher Education, Wirtschaftsuni Wien, 6.7.2023. (Lisa Scheer)
- Shame, fear and the feeling of not-belonging. Reflecting on class and classism through storytelling. Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Mediating Social ChallengesArt, Storytelling & Teaching Practices", Graz, 6.5.2023. (Iris Mendel & Lisa Scheer)
- CLASSroom reflection – Welche Bedeutung hat soziale Herkunft in Lernsettings? Vortrag bei „High Noon – Didaktik zu Mittag“, hybrid, 30.3.2022 (Susanne Kink-Hampersberger & Lisa Scheer)
Vortragsfolien (PDF) - Habitus.Macht.Bildung. Zur Un_Sichtbarkeit sozialer Ungleichheit an der Universität. Vortrag auf der 8. Jahrestagung der ÖGGF „Gender. Ambivalente Unsichtbarkeiten“, online, 20.9.2021 (Susanne Kink-Hampersberger, Iris Mendel, Lisa Scheer)
- Spannungsfeld Lehramtsstudium: Aus_Bildung für die Arbeit als Lehrer*in. Input bei Momentum2021: Arbeit,Track 6 Lernen für die Arbeit, Lernen bei der Arbeit. Hallstatt, 16.10.2021 (Susanne Kink-Hampersberger, Iris Mendel, Lisa Scheer)
- Habitus.Macht.Bildung – soziale Ungleichheit zum Thema machen. Impulsvortrag am Schulentwicklungstag MS | BG | BRG Klusemannstraße, Graz, 30.10.2019 (Katarina Froebus, Susanne Kink-Hampersberger & Lisa Scheer)
FOLIEN - Habitus.Macht.Bildung – soziale Ungleichheit mit Studierenden beforschen. Forschungstag des Instituts für Pädagogische Professionalisierung der Universität Graz, Graz, 27.9.2019. (Katarina Froebus, Susanne Kink-Hampersberger & Lisa Scheer)
- The challenge of reflecting Social Inequality in Teacher Education. ECER 2019 „Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future“, Hamburg, 3.9.2019. (Katarina Froebus & Susanne Kink-Hampersberger)
- "Habitus / Power / Education - Contesting hegemonic practices in teacher education". 18th Annual STS Conference Graz 2019, Graz, 7. Mai 2019. (Katarina Froebus & Susanne Kink-Hampersberger)
- „Soziale Ungleichheit im Lehramt beforschen“. Kurzvortrag im Rahmen der UNIKO-Veranstaltung: Diversität in Forschung und universitärer Praxis, Graz, 19. November 2018. (Katharina Froebus & Susanne Kink-Hampersberger)
- „Privilegierung und Ausgrenzung in Bildungsprozessen – Soziale Ungleichheit im Lehramt“. Momentum Kongress, Hallstatt, 19. Oktober 2018. (Katarina Froebus, Susanne Kink-Hampersberger & Klara Strauzs)
- „The Reflection of Gender and Social Inequality in Teacher Education”. 10th European Feminist Research Conference, Göttingen, 13. September 2018. (Katarina Froebus, Susanne Kink-Hampersberger, Klara Strausz & Veronika Wöhrer)
- Zur De/Thematisierung von Klasse in der Lehrer*innenbildung, Workshop an der PPH Graz, 13.04.2023
(Iris Mendel) - Machtkritisches Lehren und Lernen. Workshop am Tag der Lehre 2022 "Kritisches Denken fördern" der Uni Graz, 10.11.2022.
(Iris Mendel & Lisa Scheer) - Widerständige Bildung? Dem (eigenen) kritischen Denken auf der Spur. Workshop im Rahmen der Rosa Luxemburg Tagung "Bildung is a Battlefield", Berlin, 5.7.2019 (Katarina Froebus, Susanne Kink-Hampersberger & Susanne Pawlewicz)
- „Irritationen akademischer Ordnungen – biografische Zugänge zur Kritik“. The dark side of adult education | Vol. 10, Bifeb, Strobl, 9. Oktober 2018. (Katarina Froebus, Susanne Kink-Hampersberger & Susanne Pawlewicz)